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Title: Final annual and surrender report for EL 28273 Karinga Lakes Potash
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Resources
Report id: CR2015-0022
Tenure: EL28273
Year: 2015
Author: Dunster, J
Abstract: EL 28273 is one of seven contiguous granted ELs and two ELAs in Rum Jungle Resources' Karinga Lakes Potash Brine Project. The Karinga Lakes project has advanced beyond exploration with a JORC 2012 brine potash resource of 8.4 million tonnes K2SO4 including over 70% in the Measured and Indicated category. A Scoping Study has been completed. The project awaits further approvals and funding. All titles are now in the name of Rum Jungle Resources after it bought out the remaining JV proportion held by Reward Minerals and its subsidiary. The project now has group technical reporting as GR360. A major rationalisation of the titles in the Karinga Lakes Project was undertaken in early 2015. As part of that process, EL 28273 has been surrendered in full. There has been no on-ground work on EL 28273 reportable under the Mineral Titles Act.
Date Added: 1-Apr-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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