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Title: EL 29392 First annual report for period from 3 October 2012 to 2 October 2013
Title Holder / Company: Tropical Resources
Report id: CR2013-0946
Tenure: EL29392
Year: 2013
Author: Hou, M
Abstract: Tropical Resources Pty Ltd applied for EL 29392 primarily to explore for Phosphate, Uranium and secondly to evaluate the potential for other types of economic mineralisation such as Iron. Work during Year 1 of tenure consisted of a review of NTGS data and Open File Company reports (geological and geophysical), and a short field trip. Through analysis of historical exploration data and superficial traversing of EL 29014, most of the area is covered by Quaternary sedimentary, sandstone, Limestone and Dolomite. No large scale host rock of Phosphate occurs.
Date Added: 31-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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