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Title: EL 28167 Mollie Bluff Annual technical report 18 February 2012 to 17 February 2013
Title Holder / Company: Intercept Minerals
Report id: CR2013-0168
Tenure: EL28167
Year: 2013
Author: Herbison, I
Townrow, B
Abstract: Work conducted on the EL 28167 and the Mount Skinner Group of tenements during the reporting period involved a thorough review of all exploration activities since project inception, and the resultant data from all that work, a field visit to the region of the strongest radiometric responses, plus statutory reporting. The uranium bearing alaskite remains as the outstanding conceptual target in this tenement area. This is interpreted to potentially be reflected by the elevated radiometric responses within the tenement. However, an extensive veneer of transported sand cover presents the greatest difficulty to a systematic exploration program at present. The recent review and field inspection identified this as the most important factor to be overcome going forward. RAB drilling traverses to blade refusal are proposed to test the better defined elevated radiometric responses in the coming year. This work is expected to locate the source of the radiometric anomalies, to provide host rock information and to provide data on the uranium distribution within the weathering profile to aid ongoing exploration testing.
Date Added: 23-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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