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Title: Annual Report 1995-1996 Tin Camp Creek EL's 2505-7, 2516-17, 7029 and 9354
Title Holder / Company: Queensland Mines
COGEMA Australia
Report id: CR1996-0933
Tenure: EL2505;  EL2506;  EL2507;  EL2516;  EL2517;  EL7029;  EL9354
Year: 1996
Author: Rowe, A
Thevisson, J
Abstract: Work in the early 1970's identified some 95 radiometric anomalies. Work in the first year concentrated in the vicinity of the Caramel Prospect. This work included geological mapping, ground radiometric survey, drilling and orientation stream sediment sampling. Drilling outlined extensions to the NE. Other work included a 5136 line km DIGHEM survey. Some 93 anomalies were identified.
Date Added: 19-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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