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Title: Combined annual report for EL 26226 Singleton, EL 26227 Shirley Creek, EL 26228 Wycliffe Creek for the period ending 18 February 2009
Title Holder / Company: NuPower Resources
Report id: CR2009-0229
Tenure: EL26226;  EL26227;  EL26228
Year: 2009
Author: Rafferty, W
Abstract: Exploration Licenses 26226, 26227 and 26228 were granted to NuPower Resources Ltd on 19th February 2008. Together they comprise the Warrabri Palaeochannel Project and work was carried out on all three areas. NuPower is exploring for Cainozoic palaeochannel sandstone-hosted secondary uranium deposits in the Aileron region of Central Australia using a model adapted from successful exploration in the Beverley region of the Frome Embayment of South Australia. Exploration results to date are encouraging and have raised the uranium potential of the Warrabri Basin. Reconnaissance mapping and sampling of the Singleton calcrete for the presence of uranium is recommended along with trial biogeochemistry. Scout drilling of the palaeochannels and selected parts of the sub basin margins is also recommended.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 11-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR2009-0229_Appendix5_Bore_Water_Sample_Details.zip4.81 kBZIP Add

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