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Title: Year 1 Annual report for the period 6 November 2009 to 5 November 2010
Title Holder / Company: Mithril Resources
Report id: CR2010-0856
Tenure: EL27178
Year: 2010
Author: Godsmark, B
Abstract: This report presents the work completed during the first year of tenure on the Lizzie Creek Tenement (EL 27178). The tenement area has been held by numerous other companies who have explored for gold, base metals, industrial minerals and Uranium. Mithril first applied for the ground with a view to explore for Nickel sulphide deposits whilst remaining open minded to opportunities provided by other commodities. Exploration has focused on the Harts Range Group and in particular the Riddoch Amphibolites. Work completed during the reporting period included Data compilation and review of exploration data; 225 line kms of airborne; EM 17 float and rock chip samples. A number of anomalous rock ship samples were identified. This will be followed up during the next reporting year.
NOTEsee CR2010-0516 for geophysics data
Date Added: 11-Mar-2015
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL27178_2010_A_01.pdf977.56 kBPDF Add
EL27178_2010_A_02_Appendix1_Exploration_Summary.pdf41.83 MBPDF Add
EL27178_2010_A_03_Appendix3_Surface_Samples.csv4.93 kBUnknown Add

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