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Title: Third annual report for EL 24917 Ross River period ended 10 July 2009
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Uranium
Report id: CR2009-0484
Tenure: EL24917
Year: 2009
Author: Doyle, N
Rollings, N
Abstract: During the third year of tenure, RAB drilling, geological reconnaissance, rock chip and soil sampling was undertaken. 79 rock chip samples and seven soil samples were taken with a best result being samples 7323, 7326 and 7297 all of which contain over 1000ppm Zn (by Niton XLT3 XRF). Thirty RAB holes were drilled for 841m at the M23 prospect which was found by ESSO in the 1970's as a radiometric anomaly but was never drilled. Drilling in 2008 did not intersect any mineralisation and further drilling at M23 is not warranted.
Date Added: 25-Nov-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL24917_2009_A.pdf2.84 MBPDF Add
CR2009-0484_Appendix1_RAB_Drill_Logs.zip225.96 kBZIP Add
CR2009-0484_Appendix2_RAB_Assays.zip6.42 kBZIP Add
CR2009-0484_Appendix3_Rockchip_Assays.zip156.82 kBZIP Add

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