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Title: Second annual report for EL 24917 Ross River period ended 10 July 2008
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Uranium
Report id: CR2008-0306
Tenure: EL24917
Year: 2008
Author: Doyle, N
Abstract: Six rock chip samples were collected from EL 24917 during the second year of tenure. An exploration drilling proposal was submitted to the Central Land Council (CLC) in May but as at the time of writing, approval had not been given by Traditional Owners or the CLC to proceed. A Mine Management Plan (MMP) was lodged with DPIFM on June 2 for authorisation to conduct an air core drilling program but at the time of writing, the MMP had also not been authorised. Drilling is planned to commence at the M23 uranium prospect and the Box Hole Dam ironstone gossan in August 2008 if all authorisations and clearances are given the go ahead.
Date Added: 25-Nov-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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