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Title: EL 27076 Annual report 23 July 2010 to 22 July 2011
Title Holder / Company: Fertoz
Report id: CR2011-0733
Tenure: EL27076
Year: 2011
Author: Draper, JM
Abstract: Field exploration of EL 27076 consisted of a two day helicopter supported exploration and rock chip sampling expedition based at the nearby Barkly Roadhouse, 76km to the north of the EL. The helicopter was a North Australian Helicopters Robinson R44 sourced from Mt Isa. The licence was firstly located and then flown in a number of sweeps with substantial low rubbly outcrops of Wonarah Formation Limestone being recognised from the air. Rock Chip samples were collected from a number of these where landing nearby was possible. In the centre of the licence there is a north-westerly trending quartzite anticline that is mapped as Hatches Creek Group sediments. To the north of these quartzites are recognisable limestones of the Wonarah Formation and to the south there has been a few outcrops of limestone found but most of this area is covered by aeolian sands. In the maps below the sample locations are noted as are the results for phosphate.
Date Added: 25-Nov-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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