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Title: Final report on the reduced part of EL 27811 13 July 2010 to 12 July 2014
Title Holder / Company: AMI Resources
Report id: CR2014-0600
Tenure: EL27811
Year: 2014
Abstract: Based on the latest geochemical test results (of rocks samples) delivered by Australian Laboratory Services (ALS) and our geological analysis, we have decided to partially surrender the least prospective blocks of EL 27811.
Date Added: 24-Nov-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL27811_2014_P_01.pdf1.42 MBPDF Add
EL27811_2014_P_02_SurfaceGeochem.txt4.47 kBText Add
EL27811_2014_P_03_SurfaceGeochem.txt4.64 kBText Add
EL27811_2014_P_04_SurfaceGeochem.txt10.6 kBText Add
EL27811_2014_P_05_Lab_Geochemical_Result_2014.xlsx12.52 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add
EL27811_2014_P_06_Lab_Geochemical_Results_2012_2013.xlsx23.67 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add

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