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Title: EL 26969 Annual report 3 September 2010 to 2 September 2011
Title Holder / Company: Fertoz
Report id: CR2011-0851
Tenure: EL26969
Year: 2011
Author: Draper, JM
Abstract: A field program was undertaken to determine the geology of the area. 1:250 000 geological mapping done in the area was the original first generation mapping of the BMR in the early 1960s to produce the Hodgson Downs Mapsheet. During this program a large block of Tindal limestone was located in the central part of the licence approximately 11km long and 4km wide. A number of traverses were undertaken throughout this exposed rock unit and soil and rock chip samples were collected for analysis. A reconnaissance traverse was also undertaken further to the east along the few roads that were accessible here with geology generally being as mapped by the BMR. The area to the far east and north of the licence were inaccessible at the time.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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