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Title: Annual report MCS 13 to MCS 28 and MLS 10, MLS 16, MLS 17, MLS 23, MLS 51 to MLS 57, MLS 61, MLS 62 and MLS 90
Title Holder / Company: Plenty River Mining Company
Poseidon Gold
Report id: CR1992-0202
Tenure: MLS62;  MLS90;  MCS13;  MCS14;  MCS15;  MCS16;  MCS17;  MCS18;  MCS19;  MCS20;  MCS21;  MCS22;  MCS23;  MCS24;  MCS25;  MCS26;  MCS27;  MCS28;  MLS51;  MLS52;  MLS53;  MLS54;  MLS55;  MLS56;  MLS57;  MLS61;  MLS10;  MLS16;  MLS17;  MLS23
Year: 1992
Author: Price, AT
Abstract: During the period 1 January 1991 to 31 December 1991, the following work was undertaken: Airborne EM and magnetic surveying; Ground EM surveying; Establishment of an AMG based grid; and Orientation soil sampling.
Date Added: 20-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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