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Title: EL 9518 Jervois Annual report for the year ending 2 October 2000
Title Holder / Company: Ruane, M
Report id: CR2000-0361
Tenure: EL9518
Year: 2000
Author: McGeough, M
Abstract: The report describes exploration work carried out over the area including 36 line km of MIMDAS IP and 40 line km of MIMDAS MT surveys, two RC holes and 19 partial extraction soil sites were sampled using BLEG, Deep Leach and MMI techniques. Honours project on the relationship of magnetite to mineralisation is in progress and will be completed for the next reporting period. Physical properties analyses indicate that the known mineralisation responds well to electrical geophysics and further testing is planned.
Date Added: 20-Oct-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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