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Title: EL 26920 Amadeus Basin Project annual report for the period 20 April 2009 to 19 April 2010
Title Holder / Company: Northern Uranium
Report id: CR2010-0244
Tenure: EL26920
Year: 2010
Author: Das, K
Abstract: Northern Uranium Limited is targeting Cambrian aged phosphorite deposits within the Amadeus Basin. The Todd River Dolomite which is seen to be outcropping in the southern portion of EL 26920 is considered to be a potential host for phosphate mineralisation. Due to difficult finance circumstances experienced worldwide it was not possible to complete the proposed mapping, sampling and drilling activities. It is anticipated that the proposed exploration activities will be undertaken in 2010 and 2011.
Date Added: 8-Sep-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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