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Title: Final report for EL 10214 Jervois Project
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2008-0343
Tenure: EL10214
Year: 2008
Author: Hussey K
Abstract: Several airborne radiometric uranium targets were evident in the 2004 NTGS regional geophysical dataset which covered EL 10214 and surrounding tenements. However reconnaissance of these targets did not commence until higher priority targets within Arafura's adjacent ELs in the Jervois project area had been fully investigated. NuPower Resources completed reconnaissance sampling and mapping of an airborne radiometric target area in EL 10214 in October-November 2007 (late in year 6 of grant). An extension was sort to allow time to fully evaluate the exploration results from these low priority uranium targets. Reconnaissance mapping and sampling of radiometric anomalies in El 10214 was disappointing. The uranium assay results indicate that there is enough uranium to cause the airborne and ground radiometric anomalies but nothing of economical value was identified in this target area. No significant field works were undertaken in EL 10214 by Arafura during the period of grant.
Date Added: 24-Aug-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL10214_2008_S_01.pdf107.17 kBPDF Add
CR2008-0343_EL10214_2008_S_02_Figures.zip20.28 MBUnknown Add
CR2008-0343_EL10214_2008_S_03_Appendix.zip65.98 kBUnknown Add
CR2008-0343_EL10214_2008_S_04_Manifold.zip20.22 MBUnknown Add

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