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Title: EL 28170 Tobermorey Partial relinquishment report 4 April 2011 to 3 April 2014
Title Holder / Company: Krucible Metals
Report id: CR2014-0337
Tenure: EL28170
Year: 2014
Author: Humphries, B
Abstract: Desktop research of previous exploration in the area by Krucible showed very little exploration has been carried out in this area presumably due to the lack of knowledge and infrastructure, as well as assumptions of deep cover over the mid-Proterozoic basement. Within the relinquished area Krucible has collected 5 rock chips from reconnaissance trips to the area. All samples recorded low results and interpretations of the area suggest large areas of thick sand and areas of thick overburden to any potential mineralisation. Hence the area has been relinquished.
Date Added: 18-Aug-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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