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Title: Annual report 21 March 1989 to 20 March 1990 White Range Gold
Title Holder / Company: White Range Gold
Report id: CR1991-0292
Tenure: MLS150
Year: 1991
Author: Wakelin-King, GA
Abstract: Exploration and ore black infill drilling occurred. Exploration drilling outlined the Extended-Excelsior areas. 50 473t of ore and 728 039t of waste were mined from the Extended East, Excelsior and Extended West pits. Mineralisation is of hydrothermal quartz vein type emplaced during the late stages of the Alice Springs Orogeny. The lode system dips south, with individual fracture fill veins dipping north. The lode system tends to follow conjugate ENE and ESE structural trends Ore shoots die out with depth becoming sub-economic below 40 m.
Date Added: 2-Jul-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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