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Title: EL 29139 Annual and final report for the period 6 June 2012 to 2 January 2014 Georgina Project
Title Holder / Company: NT Minerals Aust
Report id: CR2014-0021
Tenure: EL29139
Year: 2014
Abstract: EL 29139 was granted to NT Minerals Pty Ltd on the 6 June 2012 and was surrendered on the 2 January 2014. During this period no field exploration activities were conducted over the Project area. Exploration consisted of desktop studies, literature reviews, mapping and investigation of publicly available data from government surveys. A review of the historical data available over the area and discouraging findings led to the decision to drop the ground. The assessment conducted found that, though the tenement area could hold potential for uranium or copper deposits, the level of uncertainty and risk in a large exploration program was too high. NT Minerals Pty Ltd has instead chosen to focus on its other more prospective projects.
Date Added: 26-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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