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Title: Annual report for MCC 205 to MCC 208 and MCC 983 to MCC 990, Gypsum Mining Operations
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR1990-0722
Tenure: MCC205;  MCC206;  MCC207;  MCC208;  MCC983;  MCC984;  MCC985;  MCC986;  MCC987;  MCC988;  MCC989;  MCC990
Year: 1990
Abstract: Northern Cement has been mining gypsum from within MCCs 205-208. A stockpile is maintained on site. The truck driver loads the truck himself with a Cat 920 loader. Material has been screened on site since 1989. Accompanying photos were taken by the Machinery Inspector from the Department. Complied from file notes and correspondence in the Titles folio.
Date Added: 25-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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