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Title: Annual report of exploration activities on EL 6307 for period 15 November 1988 11 to 14 November 1989
Title Holder / Company: Australian Development
Report id: CR1990-0092
Tenure: EL6307
Year: 1990
Author: Edwards, GC
Abstract: EL 6307 covers an area of 323 one minute blocks. The licence was first granted in November 1988 to Australian Development Limited. Negotiations are at a joint venture agreement between Yuendumu Mining company and Australian Development Limited in which ADL will act as Manager. This agreement should be consumated in early 1990. Since the exploration licence was granted,work undertaken on EL 6307 has included: Geological reconnaissance work to validate air photo interpretations and ratify past geological mapping done by the BMR and Kewanee Aust Pty Ltd; Acquisition of 1:86000 scale black and white and 1:25000 colour aerial photographs; Acquisition of all DME open file reports applicable to the area of interest; Specific research into the styles of mineralisation most likely to occur in the area; Processing of the aeromagnetic survey flown by Austirex in 1985 and production of 1:100,000 scale colour and 1:25,000 black and white contoured magnetics; Acquistion of 1:100,000 scale Landsat imagery of the licence area; and contracting of the Central Lands Council to undertake a sacred sites survey of the area.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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