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Title: Annual and final report for the period 6 June 2012 to 28 February 2014, EL 29077, EL 29078 and EL 29079
Title Holder / Company: NT Minerals Aust
Report id: CR2014-0040
Tenure: EL29077;  EL29078;  EL29079
Year: 2014
Abstract: No field work has been completed on the Amadeus East Project. A technical evaluation of the Amadeus East projects in the NT led to the recommendation to drop EL 29080 to EL 29084 and subsequently the remaining EL 29077, EL 29078 and EL 29079. This decision has been made based on reviews of selected historical exploration reports and an assessment of the economic prospectivity of the Amadeus Basin based on various geological reports and evaluations in the public domain.
Date Added: 18-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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