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Title: Final surrender report on EL 26804 Birrindudu Project for the period 12 January 2009 to 8 January 2014
Title Holder / Company: Independence Group
Report id: CR2014-0038
Tenure: EL26804
Year: 2014
Author: Bell, S
Abstract: Exploration completed during the reporting period includes surface sampling, reconnaissance mapping, RAB and AC drilling. Several campaign of surface sampling followed up by RAB and AC drilling were completed over the past 3 years on EL 26408. A significant Sn anomalies was identified from Debeers WMC database and follow-up stream sampling. These anomalies were interpreted to be leaking from an undercover nearby magnetic high, and targeting an endoskarn style mineralisation in Proterozoic granites. Drilling succeeded to delineate a weak and narrow anomalous Sn zone (peak value of 112ppm Sn) but did not replicate similar Sn values collected from the stream sampling (peak value of 2,750ppm Sn in stream sediments and 1,150ppm Sn in soils). Furthermore, the presence of a high grade Au quartz vein prospect (Happy Jack) nearby IGO's main project area and the known gold endowment further south in the Tanami area, indicated the potential for an economic size deposit on EL 26804. A detailed geological and geophysical interpretation completed by IGO, enhanced the gold potential in the southern area of EL 26804. Following up the interpretation completed, and also following-up the Otter Gold historical soil sampling which delineated some untested gold anomalies, an AC drilling programme was completed in August 2013. Results were unsatisfactory with a peak gold value of 60ppb. The lack of higher grade and wider Sn intercepts but also the lack of strong association in the drilling of key pathfinders for tin-tungsten deposits in fractionated granitoids such as W, As, Cu, Zn, and Bi diminished the chance of having an economic Sn deposit at Captain Jack. Also, regional drilling completed in 2011 over a great extent of the prospect did not highlight other obvious anomalies which reduced the prospectivity of the EL 26804. Therefore, it appears that the high stream sediments values in Sn could be the results of a strong deflation of a cassiterite mineralised granitic body. For the gold prospect further south, there is no evidence of significant gold mineralisation in the supergene horizon, and the rare anomalous zone are of low interests and very narrow. The main surficial gold anomaly seems to be related with an elevated background within an ultramafic sill. Again, the poor association of discrete gold values and key pathfinders downgraded the potential for the area to host an economic gold deposit. Recommendation were to completed a full hyperspectral and petrological analysis to understand some of the visible alteration in both prospects and to identify some mineral assemblages that could be not visible with naked eyes, which associated with a complete geological interpretation could have resulted in potential new targets. However because of budget constraints and limited results, it was recommended to relinquish the entire tenement.
Date Added: 18-Jun-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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