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Title: EL 25347 Allambi , Annual technical report for the period 12 March 2010 to 11 March 2011
Title Holder / Company: Excelsior Gold
Report id: CR2011-0176
Tenure: EL25347
Year: 2011
Author: Hamlyn, D
Abstract: A geological mapping exercise utilising hyperspectral scanning imagery was initiated. HyVista Corporation flew HyMap imagery over the entire tenement area (1,426km2) in April 2008. Further evaluation of this survey and all historic geochemical data and available geophysical data was undertaken to assist with exploration target definition of the tenement. Exploration is targeting sandstone style mineralisation within Amadeus Basin sediments similar the Pamela and Angela deposits 40km to the north-west and the Orange Creek uranium occurrence 30km to the west. Exploration potential appears limited to the western part of the tenement where Undandita Sandstone which host the Pamela, Angela and Orange Creek mineralisation, may overly Hermannsburg Sandstone mapped along the western tenement margin. Calcareous Tertiary sediments in the north-west may also be prospective for calcrete style mineralisation.
Date Added: 28-Mar-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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