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Title: Exploration report on EL 3301 for the twelve month period ending 31 March 1984
Title Holder / Company: Plenty River Mining Company
Report id: CR1984-0209
Tenure: EL3301
Year: 1984
Author: Ypma, PJ
Abstract: Exploration activities of EL 3301 during the twelve month period ending 31 March, 1984, can be categorized into three types. Detailed geological and structural mapping on a scale of 1 5000 of EL 3301, the western part of EL 3202 and the northern part of EL 3204. An airborne magnetic and radiometric survey of the same area, a detailed magnetic ground survey and integration of magnetic survey with results from a structural-geological analysis. Exploration diamond drilling for lode extensions of the Reward, Marshall and Green Parrot lode types.
Date Added: 5-Feb-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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