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Title: Annual report on geology and exploration, EL 1294
Title Holder / Company: Pacminex
Report id: CR1977-0118
Tenure: EL1294
Year: 1977
Author: Allen, JH
Abstract: EL 1294 covers an area of 1241 km2 of the Arunta Block, and is located about 150 km north north-west of Alice Springs, NT. EL 1294 was granted to CSR on 7 September, 1976. The area has certain affinities to the Alligator River area in Arnhem Land, NT and the application for this area was made on the concept that high grade uranium mineralisation may occur in this section of the Arunta Block. Similarities have also been drawn between elements of the Arunta Block, the Tennant Creek Block and the Willyama Block. Potential for Tennant Creek and Broken Hill type deposits may exist within the Arunta Block and possibly in EL 1294. Field work carried out to date has covered all prospective ground. This work consisted of: stream sediment geochemical sampling in October/ November, 1976 and June/July, 1977; airborne geophysical survey carried out in August, 1977; and traverses with hand scintillometers. The programme of geochemical sampling of streams was carried out in the Reynolds Range and Anmatjira Range where satisfactory control could not have been maintained by an airborne geophysical survey. A sampling density of at least three samples per km2 was maintained. The airborne magnetic and radiometric survey covered the remainder of the area of metasediments and granite contacts with the metasediments.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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