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Title: EL 2960 Bonya Bore, Annual report period ending 29 June 1982
Title Holder / Company: Moore Road Machinery
Kovacs, S
CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1982-0282
Tenure: EL2960
Year: 1982
Author: Harvey, BE
Abstract: CRA Exploration Pty Limited (CRAE) carried out a geochemical drainage survey and followed-up on anomalies arising from reconnaissance. The reconnaissance survey comprised 40 geochemical drainage samples and 40 trapsite gravel samples; follow-up comprised 114 geochemical drainage samples, 41 geochemical soil samples and 70 geochemical rockchip samples. Several areas of anomalous base metals in drainage were identified and prospective host - rock units defined. These have been further tested by soil and rockchip sampling and the most promising area was selected for a detailed ground rnagnetometry and pulse EM survey. Known tungsten and copper mineralisation lying within a mineral lease and two mineral claims covered in joint venture agreement were assessed. The two claims cover a prospect with oxidized copper content up to 6.4 percent Cu and an indicated potential of 180 tonnes Cu per vertical metre. The prospect is of no further interest to CRAE. Photo-interpretative geological mapping was completed at 1 50,000 scale. In conjunction reconnaissance magnetometry traversing and magnetic susceptibility readings were carried out to identify rock unit signatures and assist interpretation. Based on this orientation a ground magnetrometry survey was planned and implemented over areas of shallow cover within a drainage catchment previously shown as anomalous in Pb, Zn and Mn. Heavy mineral observation results were received for reconnaissance gravel samples. These were negative for kimberlitic indicators.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2014
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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