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Title: Partial relinquishment report on EL 24917 Ross River
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Resources
Report id: CR2013-0942
Tenure: EL24917
Year: 2013
Author: Dunster, J
Nowland, J
Abstract: EL 24917 is held 100% by Rum Jungle Resources Ltd and is primarily targeting base metals (principally copper and iron), PGEs, silver, nickel, gold and uranium as part of the Ross River Project. Thirty-five sub-blocks from the central area of the EL have been deemed less prospective and are being relinquished. This leaves 27 sub-blocks in the west and 29 sub-blocks in the east. During mid 2010, Year 5 of tenure, rock chips samples were taken from a suite of pegmatites that trend NE-SW in diorite and other host rocks in the centre of EL 24917. Some sample locations corresponded to radiometric and/or magnetic anomalies. Nine samples were collected in the relinquished area. All host outcrops and samples were tested with handheld XRF. Only two samples warranted laboratory analysis. No significant mineralisation was found. A helicopter geophysical survey was flown in Year 6. There is only partial coverage of the area relinquished. The data for full geophysical survey has already been provided to DME and permission given to open-file it. Hence, no 'cookie-cut' geophysical data accompanies this report.
Date Added: 4-Dec-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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