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Title: Aileron Project EL 24746 Milton Park Annual Report for Period Ending 12 April 2009
Title Holder / Company: Northern Mining
NuPower Resources
Report id: CR2009-0693
Tenure: EL24746
Year: 2009
Author: Blair, P
Abstract: This is the third Annual Exploration Report for Milton Park tenement EL 24746 that was granted on 13th April 2006. The area was identified by NuPower Resources Limited because of the potential for secondary uranium mineralisation (derived by erosion of adjacent uraniferous basement granites and gneisses) in unconsolidated Tertiary basin sediments of the Burt Basin and a Joint venture was formed with Northern Mining Ltd to explore for the energy minerals uranium, thorium and coal. During the current reporting period, NuPower sampled 13 water bores and conducted airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and gravity surveys over the tenement. The AEM survey formed part of a larger survey of NuPower's tenements in the Aileron region and was designed to explore for buried palaeochannels within the Cainozoic sedimentary package as potential hosts for secondary uranium. A total 1068.9 line kms was flown and the data has been received that show that Burt Basin is well developed under parts of the tenement. NuPower also contributed to the 2008 NTGS Central Australia Gravity Survey (CAGS) over the Central Arunta region in the Milton Park area to acquire higher quality data for regional basement interpretation. Results from this survey have been received and are included in this report. Water from thirteen station stock water bores was sampled and 15 samples were assayed for a suite of major and trace elements the results of which are expected to assist with targeting potential sites of uranium accumulation within the palaeochannel systems.
Date Added: 6-Nov-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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