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Title: Glasshouse Project, Final technical report for EL 26309, for the period 8 April 2008 to 22 March 2013
Title Holder / Company: Australis Exploration
Report id: CR2013-0459
Tenure: EL26309
Year: 2013
Author: Chai, A
Abstract: The Glasshouse Project is located in the Barkly Tableland region within the Tennant Creek Mineral Field of the Northern Territory. The project is located within the Georgina Basin which is prospective for uranium and phosphate rock mineralisation within Middle Cambrian shallow marine sediments. Exploration by Australis Exploration Limited within the EL 26309 tenement includes: Geophysical Interpretation; Prospectivity assessments & valuation; Site visit and soil sampling. Soil readings were taken using a Niton Rad-eye scintillometer. The 2011 XRF reconnaissance program resulted in identifying anomalous sites which were targeted in a follow up soil sampling program in 2012. At EL 26309 a total of 9 soil samples were collected and analysed. In light of the low readings obtained from the scintillometer, the follow up soil sampling and the reports from various consultants indicated that there is limited prospectivity for phosphate, base metals and uranium, a decision has been made to relinquish the tenement in full.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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