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Title: Hale River EL 27962, First relinquishment report for period ending 26 November 2012
Title Holder / Company: Crowl Creek Exploration
Report id: CR2013-0419
Tenure: EL27962
Year: 2012
Abstract: EL 27962 was acquired to investigate rare earth elements, with secondary targets as copper and gold. No on-ground work was performed within this relinquished area as no mineralisation or outcrops were identified from the helicopter reconnaissance. Whilst the area proposed for the compulsory reduction is largely under explored it was considered to be a lower priority target area as from review of magnetic anomalies, it was the area least like to contain outcropping mafic bodies hosting base metals and or thick carbonite rich veins hosting rare earths.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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