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Title: Barkly Project EL26018, Final report for the period 5 December 2007 to 9 November 2012
Title Holder / Company: Mantle Mining
Report id: CR2012-1056
Tenure: EL26018
Year: 2012
Author: Moore, S
Abstract: No significant exploration has been undertaken by Mantle during the reporting period of this report. During the reporting period Mantle did seek potential Joint Venture partners for the Barkly Project. However, the end result that a Joint Venture Partner was not found. One potential JV partner, Minore Pty. Ltd., did commission a review of Mantle's Barkly Project tenements by TerraSearch Pty. Ltd. (Townsville). As a potential purchaser or Joint Venture partner did not take up an option to acquire the Barkly Project tenements (ELs 26018, 26019, 27035, and 27037), the Mantle Board subsequently made the decision to surrender the tenements in the face of higher priority projects in gold, coal, and molybdenum within Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria.
NOTESee previous Annual Reports for detailed information on work completed
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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