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Title: Epenarra Project, Final surrender report for the period 6 February 2009 to 8 January 2013, EL 26775 and EL 26818
Title Holder / Company: Northern Minerals
Report id: CR2013-0001
Tenure: EL26818;  EL26775
Year: 2013
Author: Sheriff, C
Abstract: The Epenarra exploration licenses EL 26775 and EL 26818 lie approximately 150km and 120km respectively, to the south-east of the township of Tennant Creek. The licenses were granted to Northern Minerals on the on the 6th February 2009 for a period of 6 years. The tenements consisted of 932 blocks and covered an area of 2926km. The data review and compilation suggest that EL 26775 & EL 26818 are within areas considered prospective for phosphate mineralisation. Northern Minerals Limited targeted Cambrian phosphorite deposits within the Georgina Basin. The Cambrian Gum Ridge Formation has been interpreted to underlie parts of the license area and is considered to be a potential host for phosphate mineralisation. Despite the prospectivity of the tenement for economic phosphate mineralisation, as indicated by the data review and compilation, the areas covered by tenements EL 26775 and EL 26818 effectively remain untested. Due to Northern Minerals focus on other commodities, the tenement has been surrendered.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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