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Title: Partial relinquishment report Arthur Creek EL 27845
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2012-0918
Tenure: EL27845
Year: 2012
Author: Munro, N
Ansell, D
Abstract: The work and expenditure program for EL27845 consisted of a geological and geophysical review of existing data and information towards determining the location of possible phosphate and base metal mineralisation within the tenement. NRE carried out a detailed desktop evaluation as well as a detailed field assessment of EL 27845. Field based activities included a helicopter assisted reconnaissance program in relation to its Southern Georgina Project area which included an area covered by this Relinquishment Area. Office based activities included desktop reviews of all previous exploration across the tenement, assessment of the geology, radiometrics, aeromagnetics, gravity and ASTER imagery. NRE also carried out regional phosphate horizon modelling of the Southern Georgina Project. Activities conducted to date have indicated that the phosphate horizon within this tenement is deepest within the areas nominated for relinquishment and the areas covered by this Partial Relinquishment Report. NRE also believes that these areas are the least prospective areas for phosphate and base metal mineralisation.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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