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Title: Final report Brunette Downs Project GR168-10, EL 27721, EL 27722, EL 27723, EL 27749 and EL 27768
Title Holder / Company: Natural Resources Exploration
Report id: CR2012-0858
Tenure: EL27721;  EL27722;  EL27723;  EL27749;  EL27768
Year: 2012
Author: Munro, N
Abstract: Natural Resources Exploration?s exploration activities for the entire term of its Brunette Downs Project have been focused on delineating surface targets with the aim of identifying any potash, phosphate or base metal mineralisation within the area. NRE has conducted active field work within the Project as well as extensive reviews in relation to the prospectivity of the area. Despite widespread and thorough coverage, no obvious targets at surface were delineated within the Brunette Downs tenements. Low levels of phosphate and potassium have been identified in some areas, but not at levels warranting immediate follow up. Assessment of the Brunette Downs Project has highlighted some base metal and precious metal anomalism within water bores and surface samples however NRE believes that no further exploration is warranted at this time and the project should not be pursued further.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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