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Title: Epenarra Project, Partial surrender report for the period 12 April 2010 to 11 April 2012
Title Holder / Company: Northern Minerals
Report id: CR2012-0572
Tenure: EL27554
Year: 2012
Author: Sheriff, C
Abstract: Northern Minerals Limited is targeting Cambrian phosphorite deposits within the Georgina Basin. The Cambrian Gum Ridge Formation and the Middle Cambrian Wonarah Formation are interpreted to underlie EL 27554. These rocks host significant regional phosphate resources and are considered to be a potential host for phosphate mineralization. Regional bushfires burnt throughout August 2011 which delayed on-ground activities scheduled for that time. In addition, heavy rains during late 2011 further postponed exploration. Work during 2010 and 2011 included compilation of geological and geophysical datasets where available. Relinquished blocks least prospective for phosphate.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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