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Title: Partial surrender report 2011
Title Holder / Company: Mincor Zinc
Mincor Resources
Report id: CR2011-0975
Tenure: EL25089;  EL25091;  EL25092;  EL25094;  EL25143
Year: 2011
Author: Thevissen, J
Abstract: Work of a technical nature over the surrendered ground was restricted to regional helicopter assisted gravity survey, regional (ionic leach) soil sampling traverses and selected stream sediment geochemistry. Geological ground-truthing was carried out in areas of soil geochemistry anomalism; however no detailed geological mapping has been conducted on the surrendered ground. Planned follow-up drilling activities scheduled to commence earlier in the reporting period were postponed until the 2011-12 field season due firstly, to heavy summer rains that severely restricted access to the area, and secondly by restricted drill rig availability. The combination of the above unforseen factors resulted just two (2) of five (5) planned drillholes being collared, both within the retained portions of EL 25089 and EL 25091.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

Files in this Report:
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GR045-09_2011_P_01.pdf810.37 kBPDF Add
GR045-09_2011_P_02_SurrMap.pdf866.57 kBPDF Add
GR045-09_2011_P_03_SoilLoc.pdf917.8 kBPDF Add
GR045-09_2011_P_04_StreamSedLoc.pdf960.49 kBPDF Add
GR045-09_2011_P_06_Soil.csv547.04 kBUnknown Add
GR045-09_2011_P_08_Streamsedsampling.csv38.06 kBUnknown Add

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