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Title: Annual report EL 26975, 23 July 2010 to 22 July 2011
Title Holder / Company: Fertoz
Report id: CR2011-0726
Tenure: EL26975
Year: 2011
Author: Draper, JM
Abstract: Field work in the second year consisted of a series of traverses throughout the licence targeting previously located pegmatites and sampling these for tin, tantalite and REE. These pegmatites form part of the Barrow Creek Mineral field which was actively mined in the 1950s. Most of the pegmatites were located and examined with samples being collected from most. These had not been previously examined for Rare Earth Elements and some interesting anomalies that warrant follow up were located. During these traverses it was noted that there appeared a large scale structural corridor trending northeast from near the Neutral Junction Station homestead and this large scale rent in the crust definitely warrants further investigation. This corridor and its associated fluids make and excellent exploration target and will be actively pursued in the third year exploration program. Access tracks were generally the only way of traversing the area as cross country vehicular access was hampered by heavy low vegetation of acacia species.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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