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Title: Final surrender report for EL 10404 Mordor
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Resources
Deep Yellow
Report id: CR2011-0543
Tenure: EL10404
Year: 2011
Author: Dunster, J
Abstract: Rum Jungle Resources and its JV partner explored EL 10404 mainly for its uranium, nickel and PGE potential. Shortly after Rum Jungle took over operatorship, extensive prospecting was undertaken using a hand-held XRF and scintillometer. This work quickly downgraded the uranium potential. Exploration then focussed on the ultramafic body and the search for nickel sulphide and PGE mineralisation. Further prospecting, rock chip and soil sampling and a small ground gravity survey were undertaken. The best portable XRF assays from pegmatites were Nb (3740 ppm, Sample 3814) and Hf (4889 ppm, Sample 7284) as reported in the 2009 annual report. In the opinion of Rum Jungle, the uranium, nickel and PGE potential of EL 10404 has been thoroughly and methodically tested. EL 10404 was offered to Joint Venture partner Deep Yellow Ltd and no further work was undertaken by Rum Jungle Resources Ltd.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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