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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 24837 Calvert Hills for period 6 April 2006 to 5 April 2011
Title Holder / Company: Investigator Resources Limited
Uranium West
Report id: CR2011-0365
Tenure: EL24837
Year: 2011
Author: Willott, BR
Abstract: Exploration on the relinquished portion of EL 24837 has comprised initially a tenement wide approach by Uranium West, with an independent assessment by Southern Geoscience Pty Ltd followed by a detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the central portion of the then larger tenement. Following taking over management of the project in 2007 SNU/IVR carried out an initial assessment of the previous exploration by SNU including the Joint Venture partner work and then proceeded to conduct a TEMPEST AEM survey over the entire tenement area in 2008. This was followed by advanced processing of the AEM data, detailed geophysical interpretation and an initial reconnaissance field visit to Calvert Hills where the relinquished area was investigated by reconnaissance traversing and limited rock chip sampling. An interpretation of regolith over EL 24837 was also produced in 2009 using satellite imagery to identify areas of weathering and alteration as part of SNU's regional exploration strategy. All subsequent work including further rock chip sampling, limited drilling sponsored by the Northern Territory Geological Survey Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration 2009 program, detailed geological mapping, portable XRF (Niton) traversing and an orientation geochemical survey has been carried out on the retained portion of EL 24837.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR2011-0365_EL24837_2011_P_02_Laboratory_Sample_Method.pdf8.06 kBPDF Add
CR2011-0365_EL24837_2011_P_03_EL_24837_Relinquishment_Rockchips.xlsx11.76 kBMicrosoft Excel XML Add

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