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Title: Annual report on EL 24392 Thring Creek
Title Holder / Company: Molyhil Mining
Report id: CR2010-0990
Tenure: EL24392
Year: 2010
Author: Till, S
Abstract: Several attempts to access the tenement during 2010 were unsuccessful due to consistent heavy rain throughout Central Australia. The purpose of the attempted field visits was to collect rehabilitation photographs of the 2006 drill hole collars and mark out hole collar locations for proposed drilling at the Ultraviolet prospect. The Ultraviolet prospect is considered to be worthy of further trenching and reconnaissance drilling due to the presence of scheelite in magnetite skarn noted in the area in an old exploratory hand dug pit. At this point in time many station tracks have been destroyed during 2010 and major crossings over the Plenty River and Thring Creek have been badly damaged or destroyed during floods.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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