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Title: Annual report for EL 9807 and EL 9809 14 October 2009 to 13 October 2010 and final report for EL 9807 and EL 9809 14 October 2004 to 13 October 2010
Title Holder / Company: Deep Yellow
Report id: CR2010-0923
Tenure: EL9807;  EL9809
Year: 2010
Author: Bridgwater, HL
Abstract: Exploration during the life of the tenements has been limited to the review of historical data, acquisition and interpretation of geophysical data and planning of an aircore drilling programme. Due to DYL not being able to gain permission from the CLC to carry out this drilling programme no additional exploration was completed and the ground was relinquished.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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