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Title: Relinquishment report EL 25710
Title Holder / Company: Bondi Mining
Report id: CR2010-0773
Tenure: EL25710
Year: 2010
Author: Esser, D
Abstract: This relinquishment report describes the work carried out on relinquished sub-blocks in EL 25710 being part of Bondi Mining Ltd's Murphy Project area to 28 August 2010. EL 24841 is located over the western end of the Murphy Inlier, NT and is held by Murphy Uranium Pty Ltd; a wholly owned subsidiary of Bondi Mining Ltd. Work carried out on the relinquished sub-blocks comprised a detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, a detailed geological interpretation, and regional alpha track-etch sampling, as part of the regional exploration program covering the entire Murphy Project area and one regional RC/Diamond drill hole (MURD014). The work is described in the body of this report. MURD014 was located within the western portion of the relinquished area, the RC/diamond drill hole for 323.8m was drilled on a regional target, testing geophysical anomalies delineated by D. Haynes interpretation. MURD014, is a vertical hole drilled to a depth of 323.8m and intersecting 2m of black soil, clay, coarse sandstone and cobble conglomerate to 16m, massive to laminated, vuggy Cambrian limestone to 114m (end of precollar), brecciated to vuggy, crytalline limestone with large cavities (7m core loss 148 - 163m) to 163m, massive to laminated mudstone to 173.15m, pebble breccia with clasts of limestone, mudstone and basalt to 181.24m, and then amygdaloidal Antrim Plateau basalt to 323.8m (EOH). This hole was terminated when the rod string sheared off at approximately 236m, leaving 81m of NQ rods and a 6m core barrel down the hole. This problem was caused by the 'broken' limestone between 114 - 163m.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL25710_2010_P_01.pdf2.33 MBPDF Add
EL25710_2010_P_02_MURD014_Lith.xls685 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR2010-0773_EL25710_2010_P_03_MURD014_Merge_Hole_Assay.xls39 kBMicrosoft Excel Add
CR2010-0773_MURD012_Core_Photos.zip602 BUnknown Add
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