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Title: Final report on EL 25574 30 July 2007 to 29 July 2010
Title Holder / Company: Uramet Minerals
Report id: CR2010-0661
Tenure: EL25574
Year: 2010
Author: Penna, P
Abstract: Exploration consisted of regional reconnaissance work, soil and rock chip sampling. The tenement was also partly covered by a helicopter-borne electromagnetic (EM) survey and a gravity survey. As part of a larger program targeting calcrete hosted uranium within the Wilora palaeochannel, a single aircore hole was drilled. No significant results were returned, therefore the tenement was surrendered.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL25574_2010_S_01.pdf1.19 MBPDF Add
EL25574_2010_S_02_SurfaceXRFGeochem.txt34.21 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_03_SurfaceGeochem.txt2.15 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_04_DrillCollars.txt1.48 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_05_DownholeXRFGeochem.txt16.5 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_06_Lithologylogs.txt3.77 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_07_LithologyCodes.txt4.85 kBText Add
EL25574_2010_S_10_Filelisting.txt4.67 kBText Add

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