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Title: Partial relinquishment report for EL 24851 for areas relinquished 29 July 2010 after year 2 of tenure
Title Holder / Company: Matilda Zircon
Report id: CR2010-0658
Tenure: EL24851
Year: 2010
Abstract: Twelve (12) of the blocks from the original EL 24851 were relinquished on 29 July 2010. Exploration within the relinquished areas consisted of on-ground reconnaissance traverses and extensive review of satellite imagery aimed at identifying accumulations of coastal sands which may have contained valuable heavy minerals. Environmental studies were undertaken to identify areas where there may have been conflict between mineral sands resources and areas of mangrove vegetation or turtle nesting sites. The areas which have been relinquished did not contain sufficient mineral sands resources to justify drilling or sampling programs. As such there is no sampling or analytical data to report. Existing geological mapping of the Tiwi Islands covering the relinquished areas, being principally the coastal fringe, was found to be sufficiently accurate. No new geological maps were produced.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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