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Title: Partial surrender report for EL 25735 Old Mount Peake Project 21 October 2010
Title Holder / Company: Jarra Resources
Report id: CR2010-0650
Tenure: EL25735
Year: 2010
Author: Davis, B
Abstract: The proposed surrender portions approximate to 52% of the current total area of the lease. All except one of the significant uranium anomalies identified from a previous geophysical survey have been retained for further exploration. The one anomaly no longer retained is thought to be a surficial radiometric response in modern alluvial silts and not considered to be geologically important. Further work on the retained portion (71 blocks) is planned so that all identified anomalies can be mapped and sampled in detail. Although no samples were taken on the ground proposed for relinquishment sufficient observation of the geology and geomorphology of these sites has allowed the determination as being of no further exploration interest.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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