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Title: Year 3 Final surrender report for EL 25504 Sandover
Title Holder / Company: Bralich Holdings
Mackie, A
Report id: CR2010-0640
Tenure: EL25504
Year: 2010
Author: O'Farrell, D
Abstract: The Sandover prospect is located about 150km NNE of Alice Springs NT. Previous workers and explorers in the immediate area have mapped two substantial calcrete channels. Minor drilling undertaken by CRA did not locate any uranium. Water bore testing in the area has shown that there are small amounts of uraniferous waters. Drilling by Broken Range NL during 2008 and 2009 found well developed calcrete units, but returned no significant uranium mineralisation. There are no known mines or resources established in the area. Third year work focussed on field inspections, land holder liaison, detailed geological and remote sensing/GIS analysis with a view to obtaining airborne EM data. However due to funding constraints, it was decided to relinquish the tenement.
Date Added: 28-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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