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Title: Final surrender report on EL 24827, 25 January 2006 to 24 August 2009
Title Holder / Company: Hale Energy
Report id: CR2009-1143
Tenure: EL24827
Year: 2009
Abstract: This report covers all exploration activities completed by Hale Energy Limited on EL 24827 for the period 25 January 2006 to 24 August 2009. Hale Energy Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Thor Mining PLC was the 100% holder of six granted tenements including EL 24827 in the Harts Range area on the Illogwa 1:250,000 map sheet SF53-15 in the Northern Territory. Six samples (HR1-HR6) were collected by Hale Energy Limited during late 2006 in the Eagle Beak Area on EL 24827. A total of 58 open file reports were acquired and compiled covering all or part of the Harts Range tenements including EL 24827. A decision was made to surrender the tenement in 2009 due its small size and limited prospectivity.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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