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Title: Year 3 Relinquishment report, 25 February 2006 to 24 February 2009
Title Holder / Company: Hale Energy
Report id: CR2009-1129
Tenure: EL24735
Year: 2009
Abstract: Hale Energy Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Thor Mining PLC is the registered holder of the granted exploration licenses EL24735 in the Harts Range area on the Illogwa 1:250,00 map sheet SF53-15 in the Northern Territory. Regional uranium exploration was conducted over the Harts Range uranium tenements in 1992 and 1995 by PNC Exploration (Australia) Pty Ltd. The implementation of regional reconnaissance sampling of the area by PNC, lead to the discovery of significant uranium mineralisation, which was later followed up by an extensive regional assessment program. Harfort Nominees Pty Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of Batavia Mining Limited acquired the Harts Range tenements in 2005 including EL24735. In January 25th 2006 Harfort Nominees Pty Ltd was transferred to Hale Energy Ltd and holds a 100% interest in the tenement covered in this report. Exploration activities during the period of tenure on the relinquished area of the tenement included detailed rock chip sampling and mapping including 5 rock chip samples collected from the Ryoma and Casper prospects. The results are included in the Appendix.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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