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Title: EL 25077 Partial Relinquishment Report Chilling Project 9 November 2006 to 8 November 2009
Title Holder / Company: Crossland Mines
Report id: CR2009-1047
Tenure: EL25077
Year: 2009
Author: Buskas, AJ
Abstract: This report covers work conducted between 9 November 2006 and 8 November 2009 on EL 25077 which is held by Crossland Mines Pty Ltd (Crossland). The EL was granted for a six year term on 9 November 2006 covering an area of 99 sub-blocks (278.5 km2). On 9 November 2009 50 sub-blocks were dropped from the EL, as per government regulations, reducing the tenement to an area of 155.4 km2. The licence corresponds to the southern part of Litchfield Park, and is easily accessed by road however access within the lease is limited due to Park regulations prohibiting off road driving. The two dominant lithostratigraphic units on the tenement are the Palaeoproterozoic Finniss River Group and the Mesoproterozoic Tolmer Group.During the first three years of tenure, exploration of EL 25077 has consisted of office studies and field work. Office studies include: Literature research of previous exploration, geological and geophysical surveys over the EL and surrounding district; Data compilation; Acquisition and reinterpretation of NTGS airborne geophysical data sets; and Planning for field program and liaison with stake holders. Field work undertaken includes: Grid based total count scintillometer survey; Grid based geological mapping; Airborne radiometric and magnetics surveys; Ground based radiometric surveys of airborne anomalies; and Geological reconnaissance. Based on the results from the exploration completed to date and knowledge of the. geological setting we might expect the environment to have. potential for a variety of deposit styles, including: Unconformity related uranium- gold deposits; Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits; Skarn and/or Pegmatite Tin deposits; Mafic intrusive related styles of mineralisation; and Pine Creek Geosyncline style gold deposits. The great majority of the field work completed has taken place within the retained parts of the licence. The only work completed outside of the retained ground were parts of the airborne radiometric and magnetic surveys.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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