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Title: Final technical report on A 23714 Mud Tank Reserve, for the period 11 November 2004 to 3 November 2009, Strangways-Woolanga Project
Title Holder / Company: Maximus Resources
Flinders Mines
Report id: CR2009-1040
Tenure: A23714
Year: 2008
Author: Newton, AW
Abstract: Authorisation A 23714 was granted to Flinders Mines Ltd (FMS) on 11 November 2004 to assess the vermiculite potential of the Mud Tank Complex. An application to amend the southern boundary of Fossicking Area 11 was lodged with the Mining Registrar by FMS. This proposed excision from FA11 and inclusion in A 23714 would facilitate investigation of the potential vermiculite resource at Enterprise 5. A 1979 auger drilling program by the then NT Department of Mines and Energy outlined a potential vermiculite resource area 400m long by 60m wide of greater than 30% vermiculite carbonatite at Enterprise 5. FMS proposed to drill test Enterprise 5 to a depth of 50m, with 40m x 20m spaced inclined overlapping drillholes and to excavate bulk samples for dry beneficiation testing. Due to changes in exploration priorities FMS did not pursue the application to include Enterprise 5 in A 23714 and in turn was unable to attract joint venture partners to assess the vermiculite and phosphate potential of A 23714. As a result no effective exploration was undertaken on A 23714. The Authorisation was surrendered on 3 November 2009. As no work was undertaken by FMS or MXR on A 23714, the vermiculite and phosphate potential of the area including the Enterprise 5 area is still to be assessed.
Date Added: 27-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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